tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 13 13:07:25 1996

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Re: <K'>vaD ghItlhlu''a'?

At 06:15 AM 11/13/96 -0800, Alan Anderson wrote:
>I realize I threatened to make fun of the name {mayq} a while back, 
>but I think calling a category of names "Illegal and stupid" goes 
>entirely too far.  ...

True. I take that back. I didn't think people would interpret my words so
strongly, and I shouldn't have used the words "illegal and stupid" to convey
my feelings.

>By the way, if you're going to complain about "illegal" spelling, you
>should be aware that the only known syllable-final consonant clusters 
>are {-rgh}, {-w'}, and {-y'}.  {-yq} as in {mayq} has never been seen 
>in any tlhIngan Hol words, and indeed Marc Okrand has gone to extremes
>to avoid other consonant clusters when transliterating terms into the 
>spelling we use.  

Yes, but in transliteration, there is no letter "K" in the Klingon-Roman
alphabet. To me it's like adding a "#" in the middle of a name. It just
isn't done, and isn't pronouncable to Klingons.

>(That's why I was joking about the name {mayq} last week -- it doesn't
>fit the spelling rules we have deduced.  But I only said I'd make fun
>of it if it belonged to a Klingon.  I didn't say I'd complain about 
>it, and I never meant to imply that it was illegal.)

But some people have deduce that that is the way a Klingon name is spelled.
This is wrong. Just pick a name out of the air; who cares what clusters are
arranged together. But I meant don't put a "K" in the name, because of my
reason above.


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