tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 11 21:22:42 1996

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RE: KLBC qay'wIj

        I need some advice. I'm supposed to be the Linguist and Grammarian
for my ship as you people know from my intro and I don't know where to
begin. The crew doesn't even know how to say Tribble correctly. I don't even
think some of them have the Klingon Dictionary but as the linguist I have a
job to teach them. I recommended to my Commanding Officer that I start a
language lesson column in our Newsletter where  it wouldn't be required to
take but STRONGLY encouraged to take. And if I thought about it I could come
up with some pretty complex sentences that would blow them out of the water.
What I am asking is where do you guys think I should start and what kind of
format I should use. Thank you for your help in advance.


bInajtaHvIS qeylIS Daghomjaj

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