tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 11 18:48:52 1996

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RE: KLBC Greetings from a newbie

jatlh Cheyenne:

>  nuq neH!!

tlhIngan Hol boghoj vIneH!

>  I am S'hai Katar Dr'ule of the IKV Wolf situated in Wolfville, Nova 
>  Scotia.  (KAG/KANADA)  My real name is Sandra MacDonald, and my 
>  boyfriend, who will be posting occaisionally, is Darrell Brown.  My 
>  alias is Cheyenne(as you see in my address) and his is Medicine Wolf.  
>  His Klingon name is H'Tung Dr'ule.
>  We are, as I have said, new here.  Our goal is to use this newsgroup to 
>  improve our Klingon Grammar so that when H'Tung becomes Commanding 
>  Officer of our ship someday(hopefully) we'll be the only ship in 
>  existance to be fluent in Klingon.  Please bear with me: I know little 
>  more than insults in Klingon.  For references, I have Conversational and 
>  Power Klingon as well as a CD-ROM game called Klingon.  

Hi there!  I'm SuStel, the list's Beginners' Grammarian.  My job here is to 
help out newcomers and beginners with the language, in order that they improve 
their skills at speaking Klingon.

If you're ever got a beginner's question, or would like to have your Klingon 
looked at by your peers in the language, just post to the list with the 
letters KLBC in the subject title (Klingon Language Beginners' 
Conference/Club/Corner/pick something else which begins with a "C"; we've 
forgotten what it was originally).  The KLBC marker will indicate that this is 
a beginners' discussion, and must first be answered by me, the BG.  This will 
keep confusion down to a minimum for those seeking my help; if everyone posted 
at once, there would be all sorts of conflicting advice.

Some places you may want to visit if you haven't already are the Klingon 
Language Institute <> and this list's new FAQ 
<>.  Also make sure you've got a copy 
of The Klingon Dictionary!  You can order one through the KLI if your local 
bookstore doesn't have one (I sound like a commercial!).

Since Klingons do not procrastinate {lumbe' tlhInganpu'}, let's start!

The only Klingon greeting is {nuqneH} "What do you want?"  Be sure that it's 
only one word; {nuq neH} actually means "What does he want."  There's some 
controversy as to whether one should be asking this question when one is 
starting the conversation, but I'd say that's outside the realm of KLBC.

By the way, knowing the insults is a great way to begin!  {yItuHQo'!}


Stardate 96865.4

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