tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 10 23:05:16 1996

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Re: stardate

At 10:11 PM 11/10/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>It is saying that 86.26 percent of the year has passed.  According to my
>>calculations, the stardate is 9685.99(8216), with 85.99 percent of the year
>>completed.  What is your stardate system?
>i'm not the one you were asking but I use the same calculations (I think).
>It is not the percentage of the year.  It doesn't go year by year.  It
>covers the whole century.  Some years have an extra day (leap year).  Jan 96
>is not 96% of the century; because of the leap years, the actual percent is
>off a little.  I figured out my own calculations for a batch program i wrote
>(it puts the stardate in the clipboard, then I can just 'paste' it on).  I
>ended up getting the same numbers that SuStel gets.
>tlhIngan Hol vIlobe'mo' jItlhIj
>The way I calculated for my system, it calculates by the year.  It's just
the way I felt it should be calculated. I will re-calculate it to be a
century based stardate system.  In the future, I'll try to tell you my
year-based system so you can translate between our two systems in your
program.  Just an idea, but why not do so in the stardate program?   
>Stardate: 96863.117
>PS: one hour is about .114
>    one earth day is 2.738
>So, according to your system, 86.3117% of the century is complete? Or, have
I misunderstood your system?

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