tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 08 16:28:10 1996

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RE: KLBC: How's this?

jatlh HurghwI':

>  >You could say {taghwI' jIH} for "I am a beginner."  If you want to say 
>  >"*Because* I'm a beginner, you need to put the {-mo'} suffix on the {jIH}, 

>  >because it is acting as the verb: {taghwI' jIHmo'}.
>  Shouldn't it be {taghwI'mo' jIH}? It seems to me this is the difference
>  between:
>  I'm a beginner, and because of me . . .
>  and
>  I'm a beginner, and because of my beginner status . . .

The thing to do is say "because of what?"  Is it "because of a beginner" or 
"because I *am* a beginner"?  Klingon doesn't have the verb "to be"; instead, 
it uses pronouns which can sometimes act like verbs.  You need to add the 
{-mo'} verb suffix to the "verb."

{taghwI' jIHmo'} "because I am a beginner"

{jIHaDmo'} "because I study"

{HIq vItlhutlhmo'} "because I drank ale"


>  ". . . it is hard to think like a Klingon . . ."
>  Couldn't you just say "It is hard for my thoughts to resemble Klingon 
>  thoughts."
>  Dochmey'e' Qubbogh tlhInganpu' rur Dochmey'e' vIQubbogh 
>  I don't know how correct this is.

It's a much better form than mine, I'd say!  The only thing is, you haven't 
set it up for the "it is hard" part.

Dochmey'e' Qubbogh tlhInganpu' rurmeH Dochmey vIQubbogh, Qatlh.

Note that only I removed the {-'e'} on the second {Dochmey} because it was 
unnecessary.  It's not wrong, though.  It is perfectly legal to leave it in 

Stardate 96856.83

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