tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 07 11:26:24 1996

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Re: KLBC: Two quick questions

>ghItlh SuStel:
>>Can anyone think of a single canon example of Okrand using {-Daj} as "its"?
>vaj toDDujDaj ngeHbej DIvI' -- ST5:TFF
>-- ghunchu'wI'

Here are two more:

yoq yIn yuQ 'oH Qo'noS'e'. yInSIp voQSIp je ngaS muDDaj. 
Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. S27

HeDaj yIqIm 
"Track her course!" ST5

Klaa is referring to the Enterprise (or maybe Kirk's shuttlecraft, I
forget), so this can also be translated as "Track its course".  Ships aren't
considered people in tlhIngan Hol, as in English. A couple of the pro novels
have mentioned that Klingons refer to their ships as "he" (at least when
speaking Federation Standard), but since in tlhIngan Hol {ghaH} and {-Daj}
do not have gender this isn't really relevant here. Besides, one refers to
ships with {'oH}:
        qerq Duj 'oH 
        "That's Kirk's ship!" ST5 
        qIvo'rIt toQDuj 'oH tlhIngan wo' Duj pagh'e' 
        The Imperial Klingon Vessel Pagh is a K'Vort-class Bird-of-Prey. S7

 Steven Boozer                 |  
 Cataloging Department         |   "Saying, would know.
 University of Chicago Library |    Do not know, so cannot say."
 [email protected]   |                         -- Zathras

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