tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 04 07:54:10 1996

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qatlh *MUSH wIrarlaHbe'?  *KLI De'wI' bIvlu''a'?  rar 'e' lunID ghut law' vaj
De'wI'wIj vIpIchqangbe'ba'.  wej De'wI''a'mey vIlo' 'e' vInID, 'ej jIDo'be'.
tugh 'oH tI' vay' 'e' vItul.

SKI:  Yes boys and girls, the MUSH is looking pretty munged.  I have tried to
connect to it from three different mainframe type computers, so the problem is
not on my end.  Wassup?

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
| Thaddaeus Vick, Linguist to the Masses |    [email protected]  -or-    |
|                                        |     [email protected]      |
| gules on a saltire argent voided azure |                           |
| thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha. | |

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