tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 02 15:21:41 1996

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Re: Workhorse

    Okay then, have some respect for its inventor and don't make up
   things that aren't part of what he created. Picking apart words
   is one thing, but putting syllables together in a way that isn't
   explained anywhere is almost as bad as inventing syllables from
   whole cloth.

Hmmm?  This is regarding "'ervum"?  I actually used my references at
hand (as noted, my mods to d'Armond's program - 99.9% his work, .1%
mine) and accepted it.  I was surprised to find the term though, and
looked up its constituent parts 'er + vum and assumed it was a
canonical term.  Big deal.  'oy DaSIQjaj.  

As to being "explained anywhere" I included a translation to try to
make my usage clear.  Apparently it was not.  qatlhIj.

   Qo'. A compound of a noun and a verb is certainly "in the league of"
   a compound of two verbs; neither of them is described in anything we
   know about tlhIngan Hol. We do have some apparent examples of both:
   {HoSghaj} and {Doghjey}, for instance. They all have defined meanings,
   but we don't have any known way to create new ones.

Sure we do.  We define them and use them - coinage is part of living
languages, ossification and dogmatism is part of dead ones.  wIvlIj
'oH - It is your choice.  nuch jIH'a'? vInIDbe'.  I try not to be a

   >{ewwww... is there a "League of Parmach" to go with the Brotherhood
   >of the sword?}

In the DS9 opener there was a society or knighthood referred to as
the Brotherhood  of the Sword or some such - I forget the ooga-booga
term they used for it, I don't think it mapped to any known syllables.

	Joel.  (Doghchu'wI' HIpong; "jol rojpuqloD" 'oH pongna'wIj'e')

   joel anderson * [email protected] * [email protected]
 mIghghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ; roj yInej 'ej Dochvam yItlha' * [email protected]
 HochvaD tuntaHghachlIj yI'ang; naDev joH'a' tu'lu'! Phil 4:5                    

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