tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 01 21:30:40 1996

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Re: Workhorse

joel anderson writes:
>   > Enough with the invented words already!
>nuq?  Qo'! Klingon is an *INVENTED* language!!?


Okay then, have some respect for its inventor and don't make up
things that aren't part of what he created.  Picking apart words
is one thing, but putting syllables together in a way that isn't
explained anywhere is almost as bad as inventing syllables from
whole cloth.

>Anyway, I was composing online and (not  to point fingers, but) pulled it
>out of d'Armond's tool, like so:
> $xklin -e work
> N: 'ervum: workhorse   <<<<<---------
> V: Qap: work, function
> V: vum: work, toil
>                                tlhIngan Hol pojwI'
>                             v3.1b copyright (1995) by
>                                  d'Armond Speers
>                                All Rights Reserved
>                             Unix Mods copyright (1995) by Joel Anderson

wejpuH -- at whom are you not pointing fingers?  It says that this
"tool" is something *you* made...or did you just use the same word
list that d'Armond put together?  I don't have my "original" copy
of the MS-DOS version of this program handy, so I don't know if it
has this so-called word in its lexicon or not.  I *do* know that my
own computerized translator doesn't recognize it (intentionally so,
since it doesn't follow the rules we have).

>I haven't run up to my paper dictionary yet, but it is a compound
>'er + vum.  *HARDLY* in the league of parmach. yItlhIj!

Qo'.  A compound of a noun and a verb is certainly "in the league of"
a compound of two verbs; neither of them is described in anything we
know about tlhIngan Hol.  We do have some apparent examples of both:
{HoSghaj} and {Doghjey}, for instance.  They all have defined meanings,
but we don't have any known way to create new ones.

>{ewwww... is there a "League of Parmach" to go with the Brotherhood
>of the sword?}


-- ghunchu'wI'

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