tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 29 19:33:31 1996

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Re: KLBC: Mouk-to-vor

qeSmIv HarghwI' writes:
>    I sent this in to the Round Table some time ago, but have not seen any
>comment.  I would really like you to comment on what I have tried here.

va.  pIch vIghaj.  bong jabbI'IDvetlh vIbuvHa' 'ej chIllu'.

Oops, my fault.  I misfiled the original note in my "KPL" folder instead
of my "KLBC" folder, and lost it for a while.

>The Rite of Mouk-to-vor as performed in "Sons of Mogh"

wej lutHomvetlh vIlegh vaj mu'mey neH vInoHnIS.
qarbe'chugh qechraj Qagh vI'anglaHbe'.

I missed that episode, so I won't be biased by what this "should" say. :-)

>ghopDu'Daq ngaSwI' ghaj wor'Iv   ngaSwI'Daq MeQ 'adanjI

QaQ pab...
'ach pujlaw' mu' <ghaj>.  qetlh.  Qam neH.  chaq ngaSwI' qeng'a' ghaH?
mu' Daj DaSamlaH'a'?  rambej 'ach rut qechmo' jIngotlh.
<'aDanjI> vIghovbe' 'ach qulHom weq ghap rurba'.

The grammar is fine...
But {ghaj} is such a boring word; it just stands there.  Did Worf
perhaps "carry" the container?  Can you find a more interesting word?
It's really not important, but sometimes I get obsessed with meaning.
I don't know what {'adanjI} means, but it obviously has a flame.

>jatlh wor'Iv:   qaStaHvIS yInvam Damaghlu'pu'   SoHvaD ratlh pagh  ratlhbe'
>batlh   ratlhbe' DuH


>qurInDaq 'adanjI' ngaSwI' vIHmoH

maj.  ('ach qetlhlaw' <vIHmoH> je.  chay' vang wor'Iv?  ngaSwI' yuv'a'?)

{vIHmoH} seems dull also.  What did Worf do?  Did he "push" the container?

>jatlh qurIn:   tlha'bogh qaStaHvIS yIn batlhwIj vISuqqa' vIneH   'Iw bIQtIq
>Dop latlhDaq jIlengrup 'ej *StovalqorDaq jI'elrup

I think this needs to be {qaStaHvIS tlha'bogh yIn...} if you mean something
like "during the life after this one".  {tlha'bogh yIn} "the life which
follows" is the subject of {qaStaHvIS} "while is occuring".
{'el} probably has the place being entered as its object, so I'd change the
last couple of words to {*Stovalqor vI'elrup}.

>jatlh wor'Iv:   lenglIj ngeDmoHjaj tajvam

QaQ pab, 'ach...
leng ngeDmoHbe'bej taj.  leng tagh neH taj.  porgh tlheDDI' qa', ramqu' taj.

The grammar is fine, but...
A knife can't make the journey easy.  It merely *starts* the journey.
Once the spirit has left the body, the knife is irrelevant.

>mup wor'Iv   pum qurIn   paw Dax oDo je   ropyaHDaq jollu' Dax qurIn porgh je

mup'a' wor'Iv'e'?  taj lo'be''a'?  <HIv wor'Iv> Daja'nIS 'e' vIHar.

*Worf* runs into/hits/strikes him?  He doesn't use the knife? :-)
I think you mean "attack", not "impact, strike".

The last sentence's word order is wrong.  "Dax and Kurn's body" is the object
of {jol}, and must come before it.  Also, since they are plural, the prefix
{lu-} should be used:  {ropyaHDaq Dax qurIn porgh je lujollu'}.

Not bad.  I notice you didn't say {qurIn lom}; should I infer that he
survived the ritual?  wejpuH.  batlhDaj Suqqa'be'law'.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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