tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 29 18:07:59 1996

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KLBC: Mouk-to-vor


    I sent this in to the Round Table some time ago, but have not seen any
comment.  I would really like you to comment on what I have tried here.
The text of the original message follows between the lines of asterisks:


The Rite of Mouk-to-vor as performed in "Sons of Mogh"

An attempt at translation of specific dialog, accompanied by a brief
description of the scene:

ghopDu'Daq ngaSwI' ghaj wor'Iv   ngaSwI'Daq MeQ 'adanjI

jatlh wor'Iv:   qaStaHvIS yInvam Damaghlu'pu'   SoHvaD ratlh pagh  ratlhbe'
batlh   ratlhbe' DuH

qurInDaq 'adanjI' ngaSwI' vIHmoH

jatlh qurIn:   tlha'bogh qaStaHvIS yIn batlhwIj vISuqqa' vIneH   'Iw bIQtIq
Dop latlhDaq jIlengrup 'ej *StovalqorDaq jI'elrup

jatlh wor'Iv:   lenglIj ngeDmoHjaj tajvam

mup wor'Iv   pum qurIn   paw Dax oDo je   ropyaHDaq jollu' Dax qurIn porgh je

The speeches in English were as follows:

Worf says "You have been wronged in this life.  There is nothing left for
you, no honor, no future."

Kurn says, "I wish to reclaim my honor in the next life.  I am ready to
cross the River of Blood and enter Stovalqor."

Worf says, "May this blade speed you on your journey."

     I haven't gotten those Qu'vatlh taxes finished yet, but I felt I could
take time out to do this.  (O.K. I'm playing hookey and will be castigated
for it.)

     BTW anyone have a correct tlhIngan spelling of Stovalqor?


     qeSmIv HarghwI'


    I used the spelling <wor'Iv> for Worf throughout.  peSHIr has it
<wo'rIv>  and several people last year spelled it <woruv>.  Is there any
authority for a particular spelling?


     qeSmIv HarghwI'

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