tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 22 22:18:01 1996

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Re: Compound nouns and conjunctions

In a message dated 96-02-22 23:04:33 EST, you write:

>>        "batlh chut Sun je" could mean "honor and the discipline of law"
>>as well as the intended meaning of the sentence.
>It could mean "honor's law and discipline," "honor and law's discipline,"
>or (most reasonably) "honor, law, and discipline."  But it can't mean what
>you asked it to.  To say "the law of [something]," {chut} must come last.
>I believe {batlh Sun je chut} is what you want.

tera'ngan Hol rur tlhIngan Hol 'e' vItlhoj
majatlh mIw qay' Sev cha' Hol

English says things like:  the cardboard food box.  Hopefully, this does not
refer to the quality of the food but rather to the makeup of the box.


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