tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 08 19:12:52 1996

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Re: KLBC - Two words for 'warrior' ?

HetaQ writes:
>The dictionary gives two words for 'warrior':  SuvwI' and vaj

There's an interesting bit of real-life history here.  In the movie
_Star Trek V: The Final Frontier_, Klaa speaks the line {vaj toD
DujDaj ngeHbej DIvI'} "So the Federation will certainly send a rescue
ship."  A short time later, he says {vaj toDuj Daj ngeHbej DI vI'}
"Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior's mettle."  But the
film is a second take of the first line!  Every word in the second
version of the sentence appears only in TKD's addendum; Okrand did
a remarkable job of fitting the syllables to the other meaning.

>What is the difference in usage?  Under what circumstances would I
>use SuvwI' and when would I use vaj?

{SuvwI'} is used when you mean "warrior"; {vaj} is used when someone
changes the meaning of your sentence without your permission. :-)
Because {SuvwI'} is distinct and easy to read, I would use {vaj} only
when I didn't mind my sentence being more ambiguous.  (See below).

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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