tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 08 11:18:56 1996

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Re: KLBC: vInIDqa' (Re: KLBC: HIboQqa')

ghItlh ~mark:

>>Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 06:41:11 -0800
>>From: [email protected] (Soqra'tIS)
>>Eccl. 12:8  lo'laHbe'!  lo'laHbe'! jatlh ghojmoHwI'. lo'laHbe' Hoch'e' .
>I still think "Dap" works well.  Or "ramqu'".  Everything's nonsense.

Qu'vatlh. <Dap>'e' vIleghbe'. <ramqu'> muyonmoHchu' jIH.


>>In this instance, the word {ghojmoHwI'} is what is used in the original,
>The trouble is, the original uses "qohelet" which really is tough to
>translate.  There's no clear meaning to it.  It sounds more like a proper
>name than anything else (especially considering the beginning of the book:
>the words of Koheleth, the son of David).  It could be a nickname Solomon
>(the presumed author of the book) is using.
>The word "qohelet" seems to be derived from the root Q.H.L. (assemble,
>gather), related to the word "qahal" meaning "assembly" or "congregation."
>Thus "preacher", the one who calls together an assembly.  Does it "really
>mean" teacher?  Not clear.  Certainly not directly.

Oooops. My fault. The "original" I meant was what I read in the N.I.V. and
translated into Hol. Not the "original" in Hebrew.

>>As far as "preacher", from what I've seen, one could also use ({SoQ},
>>{qeS}, or {jach}) + {-wI'}, (modified by {qetlh}, {Doj}, or {QIv}) any one
>>of which would work equally as well >}};-).
>You can try translating "qohelet" with words like "boS" or "ghom" or
>something.  But what's probably a lot better (if you're sticking with
>translating instead of taking it as a proper name) would be something like

Hmmmm... <qup>... I like that!

Thanks ~mark.

      vay' yIHub Hoch 'ej Hoch tIHub vay' - DumaS
vIta'pu'be' !!!   tlhIngan ghaH *Bart Simpson*'e'
Soqra'tIS           [email protected]

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