tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 02 22:12:06 1996

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Re: KLBC - jInID

Dochmey wrote:
>I awoke from a lyrical dream in Klingon.  I've written down as much of it as
>I could before the change in consciousness wiped it away. I doubt it's
>another Khubla Khan, but I thought I'd share it with you.

wejpuH.  HewIjDaq bom vItu'qa'.

>  A rough attempt at
>an English translation follows.  Comments from the BG are desperately
>desired, and anyone else once he's had a shot.  Thanks!

As you wish.

>boghpa' wo', HurghtaHvIS Hoch,
>reH cha'leS rurDI' cha'Hu'
>vaj 'u' HeHDaq najlI' HoSDo'pu'

maj.  'IHlaw'.  <vaj> Dange'laH 'e' vIHar.
This is very nice.  I don't see a need for {vaj} on the last line, though.

>SurchemmeyDaq Qonglaw.loghDaq yInlaH.
>vumlaHe' 'ej chImtaHghachDaq bIr jatlhlaHbe'.
>'ach, najbej.

<vumlaHbe'> DaghItlh 'e' DaHechba'.
{chImtaHghach} does mean "emptiness", but I don't think it should be used
the way you have used it here.  This kind of "emptiness" is not a place,
but a condition.  You might say {chImtaHwI'}, using {-wI'} as "thing which
is", to mean "continuously deserted thing", or be less poetic and simply
refer to a cold, empty place.

When a verb is used following a noun in an adjectival sense, type 5 noun
suffixes such as {-Daq} are placed on the verb, not the noun (see TKD
section 4.4).

>QongtaHvIS lanmey Dun Such'a'?
>no' wIch qanqu' ghojta'a'
>QongtaHbe'mo' wISovlaHbe'.

{lan} is a verb, not a noun; you probably want to say {Daqmey} on the
first line.  There's a verb in the dictionary for "be ancient": {tIQ}.
(It's right after {no'} "ancestors".)

>vemDI' paghDaq jachHa'.
>jachHa' 'ej SIQlaHbe'.
>jachHa' 'ej muH'egh.
>Heghlah'a' HoSDo'? qIt'a'?
>vISovbe'. qaSDI'wanI' cha'leS rurchu' cha'Hu'

Except for that odd word {jachHa'}, this seems fine.  I guess "unscream"
is a bit too poetic for my tastes -- it doesn't suggest anything to me.

All in all, this is well done.  Whether it's "good" or not is probably a
matter of opinion.  As for me, I like it.  (Who are you, by the way?)

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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