tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 30 10:31:38 1996

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RE: I like Ford

Klingon Politics:

What do you mean there are not politics among Klingons, they would just
simply kill each other. Do you realy think an Empire could be built or even
exist if that were truly the case. You've obviously not read Ford or seen
alot of the StarTrek TV shows.

When Kimpec (probally wrong) was dying why didn't the two contenders just
kill one another rather than going to Picard to chooses an new leader. When
Worfs father was wrongly accused of helping the Romulans why didn't he just
kill him. He didn't for the empire. If there wasn't politics why didn't
Kimpec kill Duras himself, for the Emipre (POLITICS). 

Politics is politics and "WAR IS POLITICS BY OTHER MEANS".

Killing may be an everyday event in Klingon culture but I doubt it is random
or based soley on one's own personal preferance without some sever peneltys.
Check Fords books, Paramounts Klingon RPG, the TV Series. Too may people see
a trait and without thinking say thats the way it is not realizing the
motive behind the act.


yIn oH' De'wI' rop'e' net qelnIS,
'ach Human Duj Dellaw' ngoDvam 'e' vIQub,
Qaw'taH neH yIn wIchenmoHta'bogh.
nurur yIn wIchenmoHta'bogh.
"Stephen Hawking" tej tera' DIS wa' Hut Hut loS

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