tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 27 14:51:19 1996

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December 27, 1996 6:24 AM, jatlh loDDoq:

> qIm SuStel,

reH jIqImtaH!

>  "DaHoH'a'?" --> "HIja',vIHoH(moH?)ta'"
>  "Did you killed him?" --> "yes,I've killed him"

Don't use the {-moH}.  It would mean "I cause him to kill."

Why have you changed aspect here?  It's not technically wrong, but it seems 
that the second speaker is suddenly shifting time frames.  Better keep it on 
one level.

HIja'.  vIHoH.


HIja'.  vIHoHta'.

>  BTW,maybe HIja' is used with ta' and HISlaH is used with pu'?

No.  What makes you say that?!?

>   "bong vIHoHmoHpu'"
>   I accidentally killed him

No.  Do not use {-moH} here.  It means "<subject> causes <object> to <verb>."  
Your sentence would be "I cause him to kill accidentally."

{bong vIHoHpu'} means "I have killed him accidentally."  At the time period we 
are considering, he is already dead.  If we are talking about yesterday, then 
he was already dead as of yesterday.  If we are talking about two weeks from 
now, then he will already have been killed as of that date.

This sentence may not need the aspect suffix:

bong vIHoH.
I killed accidentally.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96991.0

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