tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 21 10:32:24 1996

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Annual End-of-Year Begging

Yes, it's that time of year.  Time to mention that the KLI is a nonprofit
organization and could certainly use your support.  Personally, I'd like to
see some obscenely rich individual become our official patron and throw
tons of cash our way so we could open branch offices in shopping malls
across the country.  But, let's face it, that ain't gonna happen (but isn't
it a frightening image?).

Instead let me just remind you that contributions/donations to the KLI are
considered tax deductible under the US tax law, just like giving to other
charities.  Sure, we're not the UNITED WAY or UNICEF, but we are a worthy
cause in our own way.

Annual members' dues help us maintain the KLI, but the vast majority of
that money goes to cover the costs of printing and mailing HolQeD to the
membership.  Other services which the KLI provides, such as this mailing
list, consume not only volunteer hours but our limited financial resources
as well.

Finally, while we will gratefully and gleefully welcome donations in any
amount, as an added inducement for larger gifts we still have copies of the
deluxed edition of our translation of Hamlet.  Only twenty-six copies of
this leather-bound version were made.  Each is individualized "numbered"
with one of the letters of the Klingon alphabet.  These are NOT for sale,
but our offerred as an appreciation to any individual donating $500 or more
to the KLI.  If that's more than your budget can afford, no problem, we'll
also be giving out a complimentary KSRP t-shirt (you've seen them, the ones
with the picture of the Klingon Shakespeare on the front) to anyone
donating $100 or more to the KLI.  And again, these donations are

So, before 1996 comes to a close, please consider making whatever gesture
of monetary support for the KLI that your situation allows.  Personally, I
look forward to the stories you'll have to tell, explaining how your
accountant's eyes rolled upward as you explain a charitable contribution to

taHjaj yejHaD,


:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   :: The KLI is a nonprofit ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   :: tax exempt corporation ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA :: DaH HuchlIj'e' ghonob  ::
::  [email protected]  :: ::  215/836-4955  ::

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