tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 20 10:56:06 1996

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RE: KLBC: mistranlated or typo??

December 18, 1996 4:54 PM, jatlh jo'Saq:

> 	<tlhIjtaHghajmey>
> 	????
> I can see that <tlhIjtaH> is "I apologize", but clipped.  <ghaj> ("to
> have/posess") and <-mey> (many) I can find, but put them all together and
> it's a big pile of Klingon throat-clearing, as far as I can tell.
> Wouldn't "many apologies" be <tlhIjmeyghach>?  Or is that legal?  Would it
> have to be <tlhIjghach> as the noun with <-mey> ending, making
> <tlhIjghachmey> "many apologies"?

{-ghach} is a *verb* suffix, so must be put on a verb.  Once it's there, the 
entire unit acts like a noun.  Again, the reason {tlhIjghach} isn't acceptable 
is because it is a highly marked term, not really usable in casual 
conversation.  See HolQeD 2:3 or my last post on this topic.

> 	<DeS SIHta' mupgach>
> 	"elbow strike"
> I'll have to disagree with this one, and hope that <mupgach> was
> misspelled, and should be <mup> "impact (v)" with <-ghach> "normalizer" to
> make the noun "impact".  But even then, I'd translate this as "the impact
> has bent the arm", or something like that.  What would you say to <DeS
> SIHwI' mupghach>, "arm-that-bends strike"?  Close?

You're right in that the above isn't quite correct.  I'd translate it (to get 
the feel of the marked term {mupghach} right), "Strikeation has bent the arm."

{DeS SIHwI'} is "arm's bender," not "arm that bends."  That would be {SIHbogh 
DeS}.  (We're playing fast and furious with the transitivity of {DeS} now.)

vIqIpmeH, DeS vISIHta'bogh vIlo'.
I used my bent arm to hit him.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96971.3

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