tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 20 04:44:30 1996

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Re: Klingonaase

Mark E. Shoulson wrote:
> Hey, folks.  Just something I found here in my archives, that you folks
> might like to see.  The KLI's charter (as I understand it) also supports
> studies of Klingonaase, if anyone had some info on it; this is probably
> most of what there is.  Y'know, it does look like the beginnings of a fun
> language.  I might have fun developing it (and altering it some) into a
> play language of its own, and my own.  In my copious free time. :)  Just
> for your collective information.  Remember that this is NOT the same as
> tlhIngan Hol!
> ~mark

As I have gathered over quite some time there are only very few
Fordians out there, who support Klingonaase, or even more the idea
of a khomerex klin. I have also gathered, the Khomerex and the idea
of tlhIngan wo' clash onto each other like Luke and Palpatine. To make
a long story short: I think the majority of people support the idea
of Klingons like they see them in the series as tlhIngan wo', and
they'll always consider themselves to be the 'true' klingons. So if
you'll have fellowers, there will be few. Another thing I have to gather
is that many of the Klingonaase examples are literally words of
terran origin, some modified in sounds, some modified in sense.
Take for example the word for "slave", "straave". The german word
for "penalty" is "Strafe" and "straave" sounds to a german like the
dutch version of exactly the word. Also the word "tai", which is sort
of literally taken from (ack, chinese or japanese i don't remember). The
only thing I've seen from that language which people actually like
is the naming system, using epetai-s and so on (that's probably another
human feature {{:)

So my proposition is (you were asking ;), If you modify those words
which sounds too terran-like, and keep the grammar very trivial (i'm
most likely get flamed, but I think Okrand himself thought the Klingon
language way more practical than nowadays we argue rules into it based
upon the observation 'we do not know', an indicator for me is the often
reocurring sentence that 'many versions are correct klingon' in TKD),
then you'll probably have success and fun with it.

Just my humble .02 :)


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