tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 20:01:48 1996

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RE: KLBC: Joints

December 18, 1996 7:01 PM, jatlh jo'Saq:

> 	For future reference, are the only canon words and phrases those
> found in TKD, the list off the KLI home page, and the various tapes,
> books, and CD's?  If I've missed any other sources, please let me know.

That's a tall order!  The number of canon sources is growing daily!  A good 
list of sources (I could have missed some):

TKD, CK, PK, TKW, HolQeD (Okrand's articles), KCD, MSN Okrand Forum, certain 
SkyBox cards (I don't know all the numbers; they're copied into HolQeD), a few 
advertisements, Star Trek III, Star Trek V, Star Trek VI, (and, in a sense, 
Star Trek: The Motion Picture), Marc Okrand speaking at qep'a' wejDIch, and, 
apparently, any other word uttered from the mouth of the Okrand oracle.  (It's 
no wonder that he's shy about appearing to the Klingon-speaking community . . 

> > You don't want to say "bender on the arm," you meant {DeS SIHwI'}.
> 	"Arm that bends"?  That seems a bit silly...

"Arm that bends" would be {SIHbogh DeS}.  (Note, the transitivity of {SIH} is 
one of those questionable words.  Is the subject the thing which bends, or 
does the subject bend something else?)  What I said was {DeS SIHwI'}, which 
could be translated "arm's thing which bends."

Look, if you must, just use the English word in quotes.

> Would you accept <DeS yoS
> SIHwI'>, "area of arm that bends"?  (I think that is ordered correctly...)

I don't think that this is the correct usage of {yoS}.  Because another 
translation is "district," I always imagined this to be a specific area in a 
community or in a land.

Maybe {SIHlaHbogh DeS 'ay'}.  I'd still rather just use the English word.

THIS IS A JOKE (kinda takes the fun out of it when announcing it): we still 
don't know what {qIvon} really means, beyond the fact that it's a body part.  
It looks an awful lot like {qIv} . . .

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96966.8

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