tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 15:45:20 1996

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RE: KLBC: jIbwIj vIchIpnIS

December 18, 1996 4:38 PM, jatlh HurghwI':

> SuStel, how can YOU post a KLBC message??

I'm glad you asked.

Remember, the point of KLBC is not "Ask SuStel how to say 'blah,'" the point 
is to have a way to identify beginner-level conversation, and for me to know 
that I have to pay attention to help out.  My post was, I think, reasonably 
easy to understand, so beginners will have a chance to read some 
beginner-level Klingon.  And, it's a beginner-level post with some relevance.  
Someone saying "See Spot run" may become very boring very quickly to someone 
else, but perhaps real-life stories and expressions will be more interesting.

Some others have the idea.  loDDoq, for example, has taken to writing things 
he wants to say, or short (several sentences) stories, rather than just coming 
up with a random sentence to translate.  It's so much more satisfying to learn 
to speak Klingon about things which actually affect your life than things 
which have nothing to do with you.

So, when someone posts to KLBC, I'll correct the grammar and vocabulary, but 
anyone else who wants to communicate on a beginner-level should respond, in 
Klingon, with their own thoughts on the matter!

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96966.4

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