tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 11:00:14 1996

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Re: parmaq (par'mach) - oh, it *IS* canon, eh?

>    All Dr. Okrand's doing is "covering Paramount's ass". Just
>    because a Paramount writer throwing pencils at the roof thought of a
>    new Klingon word, doesn't mean it's canon. NOW it's canon because Mr.
>    Okrand said so.

      There is no doubt that you are correct that Dr. Okrand was, as you
say, "covering Paramount's ass" in validating *parmaq*.  And this is not
the first time he has done so.  I also very much share your agitation with
the outright laziness and apathy of Paramount's writers, who seem to be
vaguely aware of TKD but rarely open it.  However I must take issue with
your implication that Star Trek is not Canon.  Star Trek episodes, movies,
and Paramount episodes have always been considered canon by the KLI.  I
remind you that the first tlhIngan Hol vocabulary words were written by
James Doohan, before Dr. Okrand ever became involved with the project. 
There is no doubt that Marc Okrand has the last word in tlhIngan Hol, but
episodes (frustrating as they are) cannot be simply ignored.  If words from
episodes are clearly defined, then we must accept them.


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