tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 07:50:10 1996

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Re: parmaq (par'mach) - oh, it *IS* canon, eh?

On Wed, 18 Dec 1996 07:13:04 -0800 Joel Peter Anderson 
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Someday the Klingon language community will grow up and drop this childish
> hostility toward Paramount's scriptwriters.  

Myself being one recently under fire for being "unpleasant", I 
would like to point out that words like "childish" are somewhat 
confrontational. Meanwhile, I do not think it childish to resent 
that Paramount instigated the creation of this really cool 
langauge with real vocabulary and real grammar with really 
expressive capabilities, yet when called upon to use it in their 
shows, they ignore any of the many available sources who could 
actually translate their words for them and instead make stuff 

They unnecessarily introduce a rift between the language and 
their fictional world. You seem to accuse those who speak the 
language of creating the rift. This is an interesting accusation.

> I doubt there is anyone here
> capable of what they do.  I certainly couldn't, and *I* have a degree in
> theater (including courses in scriptwriting). 

They write scripts. They don't try to build sets. They don't try 
to act. They don't design the lighting. Why do they pretend to 
write Klingon sentences instead of handing that job over to 
those who can, just as the set builders, actors and lighting 
directors do THEIR tasks?
> Obviously I get some sick kick out of playing "bait the Klingon", pointing
> out that the canon Klingon vocabulary is larger than that defined in TKD
> and other Okrand generated sources.  

You can also point out that the Earth is flat. That won't make 
it accurate.

> Please understand that I recognize
> the interests of the KLI and that MOST tlhIngan ghojwI'pu' focus on the
> Okrand corpus.  Read Holtej's FAQ, section 2.10 on "I just heard Worf
> say... what does it mean" (I wrote it). 
And you seem strangely proud of having done so. I guess we all 
have our missions.
>    joel anderson * [email protected] * [email protected]
>  mIghghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ; roj yInej 'ej Dochvam yItlha'
> * [email protected]


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