tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 00:36:50 1996

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KLBC: too many verbs!

nuqneH Hoch
(hello everybody)

thlIngan Hol jatlh 'e' ghoj jupwI' 'e' vIpon 'e' vInIDtaH
("I am trying to convince a friend of mine to learn to speak Klingon")
(There MUST be a easier way to say this! Despite my poor knowledge of thlIngan Hol, the above sentence looks far too long and complex to me! In fact, I'm unsure whether it's grammatically OK, I would have written:

thlIngan Hol jatlh 'e' ghoj 'e' jupwI' vIpon 'e' vInIDtaH

But can I say <'e' jupwI' vIpon>? I mean, can other elements appear in the object part of the sentence apart from 'e' when 'e' is needed?

I've also thought of

thlIngan Hol ghoj jupwI' 'e' vIpon 'e' vInIDtaH

which sounds easier to me, and I think it reflects what I mean... Is one of the previous sentences correct?

Is <*previous phrase* 'e' vInIDtaH> the best way to say "I am trying to *previous phrase*"?

And one thing I've always wanted to know - chay' maHvaD tuvlaHtaH SuStel ("How can SuStel keep on being so pacient with us?" ;) )

QaHlIj qatlho'. Qapla'

P.S. I'm trying to translate a song, bet you know the lyrics...

SISDaq jIbomtaH
SISDaq jIbomtaH neH

Can anyone help me translate the middle line? I can't work out anything there!

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