tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 18:14:09 1996

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December 17, 1996 9:31 AM, jatlh loDDoq:

> (chould you tell me again what is the *be'* thing?)

What be' thing?  {be'} as in "woman" or {-be'} as in "no"?  Read TKD pp. 
46-47.  {-be'} negates whatever it follows.  It is a verb suffix.

> jIghoj (jIH?):
> I've learned(or should I say:ghaj jIghoj jIH?)

Yes, the following {jIH} is optional.  Either write it or don't.  If you say 
{jIghoj}, you mean "I learned."  If you say {jIghoj jIH}, you mean "*I* am the 
one who learned."  It's a matter of emphasis.

> bIlugh (SoH?)
> you are right/correct

Yes.  If you add the {SoH}, {bIlugh SoH} means "*You* (as opposed to someone 
else) are right."

> qab 'IHDaq Daghaj SoH 
> you have a nice face

Don't use the {-Daq} (although if you needed it, you correctly put it on 
{'IH}).  {qap 'IH Daghaj} means "You have a beautiful face."

However, there's a better way to say this.

'IH qablIj.
Your face is beautiful.
You have a beautiful face.

See?  Use fewer nouns, and concentrate on using verbs.

> qab 'IHDaq Daghaj SoH 'ej qab pupDaq Daghaj Soh
> you have a nice and perfect face.

Same thing:

'IH qablIj 'ej pup qablIj.

> pu' yIqul SoH
> fire phasers!

{qul} is a noun for "fire," the hot stuff with flames.  To say "Fire phasers," 
you probably say

pu' tIbaH!

Since the object is plural, you need the plural object imperative prefix (the 
table on TKD p. 34).

Note that there has been some debate as to whether you can use {baH} with 
phasers, or if it is restricted to torpedoes, rockets, missiles, and other 
projectile weapons.  Another suggested possibility is {pu' tIlaQ} "Energize 

>                                                 tlhIngan-Hol pIn'a' loDDoq  

pIn'a' SoH'a'?  Dunum 'Iv?  wejpuH . . .

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96963.9

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