tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 18:13:52 1996

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RE: vInIDqa'

You didn't put "KLBC" in the subject, but I'm going to treat it as if you did.

December 17, 1996 2:18 AM, jatlh Ko'var:

> jIqeqpu' 'ej jIHaDpu' .
> I have practiced and I have studied.

maj.  bIHaD not 'e' yImev!

> tlhIngan HolDaq Dubba'pu' laHwIj , qar'a' ?
> My ability in the language has obviously improved, has it not ?

There are two problems here.  First, {-Daq} refers to a spacial concept.  "In 
the language" is not actually at a particular location.  Are you suggesting 
that the action takes place inside an object called "language"?

Second, we know that {Dub} can mean "to improve (something)."  We don't know 
if it can mean "improve" as in "I improve."  The object must be the thing 
which gets better.

tlhIngan Hol laHwIj vIDubba'pu', qar'a'?
I have improved my Klingon Language ability, have I not?

batlh tlhIngan Hol DaHaDtaH.

> tlhInganqoq 'e' jIQoS. DuHmey ghaj ghaH 'e' vIQubpu' .
> I'm sorry about the "klingon". I thought he had possibilities.

The first sentence: {'e'} does not allow you to say "about."  It refers to the 
previous sentence.  But there isn't a previous sentence!  There's only a noun!

tlhInganqoqmo' jIQoS.
I am sorry because of the so-called Klingon.

The second sentence: While it is almost correct (you're not allowed to put a 
Type 7 verb suffix on the second verb of an {'e'} construction, TKD pp. 
66-67), I don't know what "having possibilities" would mean to a Klingon.  
What sort of possibilities do you mean?  Here's one example:

tlhInganqoqmo' jIQoS.  tlhIngan Hol ghojlaHlaw'.
I'm sorry because of the so-called Klingon.  I thought he'd be able to learn 
the Klingon Language.

> 'ach " bInIDI' bIQapbe'chugh bInIDnISqa' " .
> But, "If at first you don't succeed, you must try again".

majQa'!  Watch your spelling: {bInIDDI'}.

> vay' qatlhobnIS .<mu'tlheghmey > Dalo'pu' 'e' vIyajbe' .
> I must ask you something. I did not understand your use of the term
> "mu'tlheghmey".

Once again, I'm not sure if you can substitute {vay'} for an entire quote, but 
I won't press this.

You don't want an {'e'} sentence here.  What you have means "I do not 
understand that you have used {mu'tlheghmey}.  Try this out:

<mu'tlheghmey> bIjatlhDI', jIyajbe'.
When you said {mu'tlheghmey}, I didn't understand.

> boQIj'a' ?
> Will you explain it?

If you're talking to more than one of us, you can use {bo-}.  Otherwise, you 
have to use {Da-}.

mu'na' 'oH <mu'tlhegh>'e'.  tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom yIlaD.  nav HutmaH jav yIlaD.

Check out TKD p. 96.

> Also, as for the sign-off...I can not figure out a way to say "until "...any
> thoughts ?

"Until" what?  In Klingon, you need to specify this.  Use suffixes like {-DI'} 
or {-pa'}.

Hmmm . . . sounds awfully Terran to me . . .

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96963.6

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