tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 11:31:32 1996

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RE: Dr. Okarnd Speaks -- lengthy

ja' SuStel:
[regarding {... 'e' vIQub}]
>> The thing that troubles me is that he didn't go on to say anything
>> about how to express "I think that..." using the verb suffix {-law'}.
>Sure he did!  In the definition of {-law'} in section 4, and on Power Klingon
>(nughochlaw' Dujvetlh}.

I know it's detailed in TKD and elsewhere.  I was referring to his 
response on MSN, which seemed to strongly approve of the use of the
phrase {... 'e' vIQub} for this meaning:

>...The correct way to say "Do you think that...?" is ... 'e' DaQub'a'?

Thinking more closely about this, I see that using {-law'} in this
kind of question actually would be a little strange.  It's supposed to
indicate uncertainty on the part of the speaker, not on the part of 
the one being spoken to.  In this case, {... 'e' DaQub'a'?} doesn't 
"offend my sensibilites" at all. :-)

-- ghunchu'wI'

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