tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 15 23:19:31 1996

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(KLBC) Bye bye

Dal DaHjaj.
vaj tlhIngan Hol mu'tlhegh vIghItlh
	(It's a boring day today, so I'll write some klingon)

cha'leS 'ampaSvamvo' jImej 'ej ghomvamvo' jImej je
	(I'll leave this academy in two days and I'll leave this group too)

Do' cha'maH jaj ghomvamDaq jIchegh
	(With luck, I will return to this group in 20 days)

tlhIngan Dochmeyqu' tugh vIlaDnISbogh vIje'
	(I bought many klingon things I need to read soon)
[can I put an adverbial in a relative clause?]

wa'vatlh vaghmaH jaj muloS mungaghbogh be'oy
	(My mate has waited 150 days for me)

matay' 'ej "Xmas" "New Year" je wIlop
	(we will celebrate Xmas and New Year together)

	(I really miss her)
[{ghajHa'} would be unposses, to not have, be without, but it sounds
rather concrete instead of abstract, as if my relation only revolves
around physical things (which it does not, entirely, I hope :))

Hoch SughojmoHbogh Satlho' 'ej  DIS chu' wIquvmoHjaj!
	(I thank all who taught me (anything actually) and may we honur
the new year!)


jeHoch QIbaQa' bItan
FO Dutch Space Station 9: De Ruyter
Chief of Security USS Matrix NCC-2296
Qo'noS tlhIngan wo' 'ampaS pIn'a'

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