tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 15 13:02:38 1996

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Re: WorFFF?

> I was thinking and I don't know where the name Worf comes from. Klingons
> don't have the letter F so can a Klingon be called WorF?
> Can anybody say where the F comes from?

	I was wondering that myself.  Upon consideration, I'm thinking
that his name would actually be spelled in Klingon as <wortlh>, or
something like that.  Either that, or he was given to his human parents so
early that they mispronounced his name, and whatever he *was* named became

	Or the writers just weren't thinking.  :)

 / _ \                                   \         ** Andrew Netherton **
 \__)|        "VENI, VIDI VINNIE"         \ __     jo'Sqa, tlhIngan SuvwI' 
     \      I came, I saw my cousin.      |(_ \   Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
      \___________________________________\___/        (519) 885-2717

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