tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 12 14:05:28 1996

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names of letters

	Linguists, this one's for you.

	In English, we have spellings/namings for all of our letters. 
(For instance, up here in Canada "z" is spelled "zed", whereas our
Southern neigbours spell it "zee".)  In Greek, they named all their
letters as well (as anyone who works with any sort of variables knows all
too well). 
	However (as far as I know), other languages don't spell their
letters, just because they're merely characters/syllables (like Mandarin). 
Does the Klingon alphabet have spellings (that we know of), or do the
letters merely exist?  My guess is that they do, but we don't know what
they are. 

 / _ \                                   \         ** Andrew Netherton **
 \__)|        "VENI, VIDI VINNIE"         \ __     jo'Sqa, tlhIngan SuvwI' 
     \      I came, I saw my cousin.      |(_ \   Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
      \___________________________________\___/        (519) 885-2717

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