tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 12 12:26:01 1996

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Re: KLBC: Joints

> How would one go about describing certain joints in the human body.  I need
> a word for elbow.  There is one for knee (qIv).   How about SIHDaq DeS
> (bend in arm)?  Any suggestions would be greatly appeciated.

	(Please note this is not an answer, but another question.)  {{>:)
Can <-Daq> be used for locating things other than in the "area above" or
"area below" and such?  Would <DesDaq qIv> be possible for "knee"?  Or
would that be too much of a hindsight verb?  (I guess it depends on how
Klingons think of their arms, eh?)  Might it even be possible that they'd
just use <qIv>, and they rely on context to determine whether they're
talking about elbows or knees?

	DaH jItam.

 / _ \                                   \         ** Andrew Netherton **
 \__)|        "VENI, VIDI VINNIE"         \ __     jo'Sqa, tlhIngan SuvwI' 
     \      I came, I saw my cousin.      |(_ \   Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
      \___________________________________\___/        (519) 885-2717

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