tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 10 14:59:10 1996

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RE: story, part 4

December 09, 1996 7:46 PM,jatlh Deborah Kay:

> juHDajDaq chegh vav 'ej puqbe'pu'Daj ja', "la''a' vIpon.  Sovraj chov.
> wa'leS mon veng maghoS.

{mon veng wIghoS}

> betleHmeyraj tajmeyraj je tIqem.  
> DaH ramvam Sun yIlIj.

Pick one.  Is it {DaH} or is it {ramvam}?  English sometimes uses "now" as a 
prelude to saying something, and it doesn't have a temporal meaning.  Don't do 
this with Klingon.  (E.g., "Now, in order to kill the Emperor, we must act 

> retlhwIjDaq peba'.  
> tlhIHvaD qeylIS ta' qelbogh gha'tlhIq vIja'."

Heh . . . I like the fact that you didn't put an {'e'} on either of the nouns 
in the {-bogh} clause.  It could work either way, so why bother making a 

> jatlhtaHvIS DareS, cholchuq Hoch.

Hmmm . . . {cholchuq} would probably mean "get closer each other," not "get 
closer *to* each other."  Been reading the {jaH} thread?

I suggest {jatlhtaHvIS DareS, botlhchajDaq chol Hoch}.  Anyone have a better 

> Hur bIr ram, 'ach juHDaq bIrHa'law'.


Is the narrator not sure that it is not cold inside?  I can't read {-law'} any 
other way, and I don't understand your usage of it here.

> Quchqa'law' pe'lora.
> tamqu' velqa.
> rinDI' DareS, tlhup velqa, "qamuSHa', vavoy."
> "SamuSHa', puqbe'pu'oy," jang vavchaj.

This isn't a matter of grammar, but I have a problem with Klingons telling 
each other they love each other all the time.  I don't mind with Much Ado, 
because it's very much a comedy, but in a serious setting like this, it 
doesn't make sense.

Even the language agrees with me.  Isn't it telling when there's a word for 
"detest" but not for "love"?  I don't think Klingons would use negated words 
nearly as much as regular ones; otherwise, there would be "love" but not 

For you (and all other writers out there) I recommend that you listen to what 
the language is telling you.  {qamuSHa'} to me isn't quite the same as English 
"I love you."  It's really saying "I don't hate you."

> "qaStaHvIS ram pa'Daq peQong."
> qaStaHvIS po puqbe'pu'vaD mu'meyDaj Qav jatlh vavchaj.

In the case of {qaStaHvIS ram}, the action will be occurring all night, so a 
continuous idea like you have is good.

In the case of {qaStaHvIS po}, the action simply happens, so there's no need 
for the {-taHvIS}.  In fact, since you're trying to say "When morning came," 
all you need to do is say the time!  (This sort of thing was first done in 
Conversational Klingon.)

{po puqbe'pu'vaD mu'meyDaj Qav jatlh vavchaj.}

> "DISvam botaH 'e' vIQubbe'.

This time, I believe {taH} is intransitive (or at least, hasn't been shown to 
work transitively yet).  You "survive," you don't "survive something."

qaStaHvIS DISvam SutaH 'e' vIQubbe'.

> DaH bowIvbogh DochvamvaD jIQochbe'.

Ick.  You've put the head noun of the {-bogh} clause in the wrong position (it 
should be the object of {bowIvbogh}.  But this isn't really what I don't like. 
 "Thing" is a horrible word to overuse.  I'm also not entirely sure I'd accept 
"Thing which you have chosen" as the recipient of the action "I agree."  Let 
me suggest a recast:

'ampaSDaq SuHaD 'e' DawIv.  DaH jIQochbe'.
You chose to study at the academy.  Now I agree.

A little note: {Qoch} is another verb which is too frequently negated by 
Terrans trying to speak Klingon.  However, in this case I think it is quite 
appropriate: DareS is no longer disagreeing.

> la''a'vaD boSovbogh Hoch yI'ang.

Hmmm . . . you've misordered the relative clause and its head noun again.  It 
should be {Hoch boSovbogh}.  If you wanted, by the way, this could also be 
rendered as {Hoch Sovraj}.

> SuyoHtaHvIS, Qu'vam bonIDchugh, jIbelqu'.  Ha'."
> tugh QI' 'ampaSDaq paw.
> la''a' luqIH be'ni'pu'.
> ra'bogh ghomDaq Qam mangHompu'.

Hmmm . . . what are you doing with {ra'bogh ghomDaq}?  I know you mean "in 
formation," but I read it as "in a group which commands."  Maybe {lobrupbogh 
ghomDaq Qam mangHompu'} "in a group which is ready to obey."

> "nabvam wIpab," jatlh la''a'.
> "taghmeH betleH tonSaw' mangHom vIwIv."
> cha' be'nI'vaD legh.
> "wa'DIch 'Iv?"

{wa'DIch} must always follow a noun (unless, of course, you're singing {taHjaj 
wo'}).  You must also use a "to be" construction.

'Iv ghaH SuvwI' wa'DIch'e'?

although I prefer

SuvchoH 'Iv?

> tonSaw' yoS 'el Velqa.
> "jIH, qaH," jang.
> velqa qab qIpmeH, nom ro'Daj lo' la''a'.
> "reH jIHvaD la''a yIpong.  yIlIjQo' jay'!"
> vay'mo' velqa, Somram vIHbe' pagh jatlhbe'.

"Because of something, Velka, hull-night it doesn't move she says nothing."

What happened here?  How about this:

'oy'qu'mo' velqa, Somraw vIHmoHlaHbe' 'ej jatlhlaHbe'.

PK has {vIHtaHbogh bIQ} for "running water."  {vIH} is intransitive.

> ghaH bIjDI' vavDaj, qIpmeH ghop poS lo' neH.
> "chojangDI', tonSaw' wItagh," jatlh la''a'.
> machDaj pep velqa 'ej pe'vIl jang, "HIja', la''a'."

heh . . . you had me searching through the dictionary for another meaning for 
{mach}.  Watch your spelling!

> qaStaHvIS wej DIS betleH tonSaw' laDbogh mangHom wIv la''a 'ongqu'.

Unless he only *read* about it, I think the word you want is {HaD} . . .

> Qub la''a', "mangHomvam jeylaHbejbe' velqa."

You've just negated {-bej}, which means to me that the commandant is pointing 
out to himself that he is not certain that what he's saying is correct.  I 
think you meant {jeylaHbe'bej}.

> vanchuq gholpu'.
> jeQqu' mangHom 'ej Qub, "qaStaHvIS wa' tup, vIjotlh."
> "SuSuv 'e' yItagh," ra' la''a'.
> ghom betleHmeychaj 'ej mupchuq 'etlhmeychaj.
> velqa betleH qIptaH mangHom betleH.
> Hub'eghmeH, 'etlhDaj lo'velqa botaHvIS.

You were getting tired of typing by now, weren't you?

{Hub'eghmeH, 'etlhDaj lo' velqa bottaHvIS.}

> 'oy'bej velqa DeSDu' 'ach jIjechrupbe'.  qevpobDaj 'oy' qaw.

'oy'bej velqa DeSDu' 'ach jeghrubbe'.

> pay' much'egh 'eb.

"An opportunity presents itself" is an English saying.  We know from TKW p. 51 
that Klingons "capture" opportunities.  At first, I was going to suggest 
{nargh 'eb} "an opportunity appears," but this also means "an opportunity 
escapes," which is exactly what a Klingon says when referring to a missed 

I don't know; maybe {much'egh 'eb} would make sense to a Klingon.  Or {'eb 
legh velqa}.  I doubt that something which is to be captured would be worth 
much if it "presented" itself (I mean, where's the fun in capturing something 
which is *asking* to be captured?).

> velqa betleH botlaHpa' mangHom, pe'vIl 'uSDaj qIp velqa 'ej pummoH.
> ghopDajvo' pum mangHom betleH.
> nom HughDajDaq 'oHtaH velqa betleH'e'.

You might consider {nom HughDaj pe'rup velqa betleH}.

> mangHomvaD jatlh velqa, "Doghjey."

Wow!  I've never seen anyone use that word before!  I had to look it up!  

> nuHDaj SIchlaHbe'mo' 'ej 'uSDaj ghorlu'mo', Qochbe'nIS mangHom.

I got confused for a moment.  {SIch} and {ghor} are being used to indicate 
different times.  I suggest {ghor} get an aspect marker:

{nuHDaj SIchlaHbe'mo' 'ej 'uSDaj ghorlu'pu'mo', Qochbe'nIS mangHom.

> velqavaD jatlh la''a', "yay Daghaj 'e' vIpay."
> "la''a," jang velqa machDaj pepHa'taHvIS.  "Bijatlh 'e' yIchaw'."
> "JighIb."

Ooohhh, I can see why you cut the story here!  "Head" is {nach}.  "Permission 
to speak" is (fully) {jIjatlh 'e' yIchaw'}, although you may want to clip it 
to resemble its English version: {jatlh 'e' chaw'}.

majQa'!  lutvam vItIvqu'taH!  qonwI' po'qu' SoHbej!

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96944.4

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