tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 10 08:00:01 1996

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KLBC: jInIDqa'

chay' DaHjaj SoD 'IwlI'
(How floods your blood, today?)

K: Heghmaj wIlopmeH tlhutlh vaS
(Hall for drinking in order to celebrate our death)
E: Drinking Hall
(As the central room of a House, much like the Mead-Hall of medieval

K: naDev Qong SuvwI'pu' pa'
(Room where warriors sleep hereabouts)
E: Sleeping quarters
(not private, more as a dorm)

K: batlh HeghmeH qeq pa'
(Room for training in order to die honorably)
E: Training arena
(more or less akin to a gym, but essencially combat oriented)

K: jaghpu' mevwI'
(Thing which stops enemies)
E: Battlements
(much like the outer wall of an Irish hillfort)

P.S. I'm still at a loss for "Inner Ward" and "Antechamber"...

batlh Daqawlu'taH SuStel


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