tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 13:15:12 1996

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Re: "Sarek" translation

jatlh SuStel:
> This is exactly what it [wuv] means, and you have used it well.  Is there some other
> meaning that you know of?

I was just not sure if there was really a differance between "depend on" in the context 
of "I'm depending on you" and "depend on" in a cause and effect situation.  I guess 
not, but you can never be sure.  When one is talking about "I depend on you," they 
don't mean lierally that their existrance depends on you, but saying "The destruction 
of Earth depends on the strength of the alien fleet" does.  Guess there's really no 
difference, but like I said before, better to sak than to stick my foot in my mouth.


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