tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 12:42:55 1996

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Re: Syllable Structure

ja' mIqIraH:
>There was a debate about names a while ago, and I was thinking about word
>structure.  Everybody knows that non-transliterated Klingon syllables are
>supposed to  be in the form C-V-C, although there was recently a debate
>about the nature of the last C.  My question is, why are there at least
>21 examples from TKD that don't observe this rule?

You misunderstand the nature of the "rule" -- the final consonant may
simply be absent.  There are plenty of "open syllables" in evidence,
notable among them are *all* of the verb prefixes.  What we've deduced
is that there is exactly one known syllable that does not begin with a
single consonant, and the only known consonant clusters occur at the
end of a syllable and are restricted to {w'}, {y'}, and {rgh}.  There
never seems to have been a prohibition against ending a syllable with
a vowel.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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