tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 12:21:14 1996

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Re: yuch

Andrew 'Ska' Netherton writes:
>> I've always wondered why there is a Klingon word for chocolate (yuch)...
>        Do Klingons like chocolate?  Is that the reson?

I assume that {yuch} is something very close to Terran chocolate, close
enough that the differences are not important.  After all, even the one
word "chocolate" covers many different combinations of ingredients, not
all of which include cacao.

>  In that case,
>it's a wonder Worf hasn't translated "prune juice".  Fruit liquor,
>perhaps?  <naH HIq>?

There's no Klingon word for "prune" -- one would use the Terran word to
describe the drink, perhaps adjusting the pronunciation to be more like
the accustomed patterns.

>        Tangentially, why is there no word for "liquid" or "beverage"?

Why must there be a reason?  Sometimes there just *isn't* a word for
something.  (What's the English word for the back of the hand?)  But
don't overlook {taS}.

>Does one have to somehow use the verb "drink" to describe a liquid which
>one ingests?  Or is everything a liquor to Klingons??

No, only those things worth drinking are called {HIq}. :-)
tlhutlhmeH HIq ngab qaq law' bIQ qaq puS.  -- TKW p.35

-- ghunchu'wI'

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