tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 10:58:42 1996

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RE: yuch

Oliver Pereira <[email protected]> asked about yuch.

Perhaps only slightly off topic, you'll notice that tlhIngan Hol does not have
a word for sugar. It does have a word for saccarine.  Now, saccarine is a sugar
substitute produced from coal tar. It tastes sweet without being a sugar.

This implies to me that Klingons do not have sugar cane or something similar to
get refined sugar from. If there is a coco native to the Homeworld, it would be
bitter like the Aztec beverages first imported to Europe from the New World.

Which, I suppose, I why terran chocolate is so prized by Klingons. Imagine
Klingons hyped up on chocolate/sugar/caffene. Terrans add sugar to their
chocolate to make it sweet.

       Lt.Cmdr. Kordite, Executive Officer
     IKV Dark Justice, Klingon Assault Group
         choSuvchugh 'oy'lIj Daghur neH
[email protected]

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