tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 07 11:48:48 1996

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RE: KLBC:bIpabwI'

December 06, 1996 4:00 PM, jatlh loDDoq:

> jatlh SuStel,
> o.k,I see my grammer is still QI'yaH'a'!('a' as "strong QI'yaH")

No.  {QI'yaH} is an invective, and is only used as an exclamation.  It is not 
a noun, and cannot take noun suffixes.  By the way, it's not a verb either.

> the second line is you are a grammarian(whats wrong with it?should I say 
> DapabwI`?)

The word we've been using for "Grammarian" (and I'm still fuzzy about it's 
"officialness") is {pabpo'}.  Therefore, "You are a Grammarian" is {pabpo' 
SoH}.  Take a look at TKD section 6.3 to see how I got this.

> the third is "you probobly have difficults and problems.

qay'law' 'ej Qatlhlaw' ghu'lIj.

> the forth is "what kind of problams u have

SoHvaD qay' nuq?

 and the fifth is "I use *'a'* as a 
> question mark.

You put {-'a'} at the end of a verb to indicate that the sentence is a yes/no 
question (see TKD section 6.4)

pIpyuS pach DaSop.
You eat a pipius claw.

pIpyuS pach DaSop'a'?
Do you eat a pipius claw?

But words with question words (who, what, etc.) don't use {-'a'}:

chay' pIpyuS pach DaSop?
How do you eat the pipius claw?

> pab Dayep SoH
> be careful with your grammar.

Actually, you've said "Be careful your grammar."  If I were to say this, I'd 
use {pab yISaH} "Care about grammar," or {pab DapabDI', yIyep} "When you obey 
grammar, be careful."

> jIDo'
> I'm lucky


> jIDo' 'aDam
> lucky adam

Now you want to use a verb adjectivally.  To do this, you take the bare form 
of the verb (or add {-qu'} or maybe even {-be'}) and put it after the noun 
you're using it on.

Lucky Adam
*'aDam* Do'

> jIH chojup SoH(qoj *SoH chojup jIH*'a'?)
> you are my friend(dont u?)

"Friend" is a NOUN, not a verb.  You cannot put verb prefixes on it.  Again, 
TKD 6.3 helps here, as does the noun suffix {-wI'}:

jupwI' SoH.
You are my friend.

> vItlhaq(qoj *jItlhaq*'a'?)jIH
> I'm funny

Careful!  The word is {tlhaQ}, not {tlhaq}!  This is important: {tlhaq} means 

Yes, if there is no object, then you need to use the verb prefix which means 
"no object."  This is {jI-} for the first-person.

I am funny.

If you add {-'a'} to the verb, you're making it a question.

Am I funny?

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96935.6

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