tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 02 17:50:22 1996

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RE: KLBC: interrogative punctuation

jatlh SuStel:

>When a Klingon has something to say, he just says it.  If he has to get 
>someone's attention first (not really necessary in a mailing-list format), he 
>might shout {SuH}, {SU'}, {'eH}, or {SSS} (the last is not actually a word, 
>but is a slurred form or {SuH}).  These all mean "Get ready!"  They indicate 
>that the speaker is about to give a command.  {Su'} and {SuH} can also 
>indicate that something is about to happen.

Wouldn't {SSS} be considered derogatory? It's like if you walked up to a
terran and said "Here boy!" 

Hovjaj 96922.8

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