tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 02 13:23:39 1996

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Re: KLBC: compounding


>Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 14:16:54 -0800
>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>November 28, 1996 3:34 PM, jatlh Andrew 'Ska' Netherton:
>> HIQoy,
>> 	OK, I've now been wondering about compounding things; not just
>> nouns and nouns, but with verbs as well, to form multi-noun-multi-verb
>> words/phrases.  Is there any restriction on this?
>We're not sure about the rules on compounding nouns.  Generally, there should 
>usually be a better way to say what your saying than by making up a new word.  
>If you do so, you're hoping that someone else is going to understand it, and 
>believe me, it's often a lot less obvious than you thought!

This is true: it's FAR too easy to come up with what I call "hindsight
words" when compounding (a hindsight word is a coining that makes perfect
and impeccable sense... once you know what it means already.  They are easy
to make up and very tempting and dangerous.  Avoid them).

>If it's a life-and-death situation, go ahead and compound two nouns.  (Of 
>course, Klingons LIKE life-and-death situations . . .)

I don't know if I'd word it THAT strongly.  TKD *does* say that
noun-compounding is a productive process in Klingon.  The trick is not
relying on it too much and not using it to make hindsight-words.

>This does not mean "menopause" to me at all!  Come up with something more 
>accurate, which details the situation!  Unfortunately (I suppose), we don't 
>have a word for this.  Get used to it.

Yeah; nobody ever promised that Klingon as it stands now is complete.

>Why in the world do you want to talk about menopause, anyway?  The sciences 
>are NOT supported by TKD, and they're very difficult to pidgin through.

Now, now.  Menopause is a very important thing to talk about, in some
circumstances.  Maybe not to you, now, but for all we know it happens to
Klingons too.


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