tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 30 07:03:42 1996

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 uu> From: "Mark E. Shoulson" <ur-valhalla!!shoulson>
 uu> Subject: bang

 >From: [email protected] (Bill Willmerdinger)
 >We now have canon for using {bang} without the {-wI'}: page 159 of TKW
 >gives {reH bang larghpu'}, with {bang} translated as "love" or "one who
 >is loved".

 uu> It's {larghlu'} actually.

reH Suvrup SuvwI''a'!  (How many {qa'meH vIttlheghmey} can a man recite over
one message?  <g>)

 uu> This isn't really significant on its own, since we've seen "bang" by
 uu> itself already (like, when it's defined).  I think you're thinking that
 uu> {bang} was given as a verb and now we're seeing it as a noun.  In fact,
 uu> {bang} was always defined as a noun, meaning "one who is loved."

For some reason, I had it in my head that {bangwI'} was in TKD.

 uu> I marked that page, though, because it DOES tell us something I
 uu> thought was meaningful.  In the book, you can *hear* Okrand talking to
 uu> us.  He definitely had us in mind when writing it.  You can hear it in

I saw this in *several* spots.  For instance, page 151: someone here on the
list proposed {nuHwIj DawIvta'; DaH yISuv!}  "You've chosen your weapon; now
fight!"  Okrand's version is only slightly different.  Coincidence?

 uu> his painstaking explanations whenever a grammar mistake is made (well,
 uu> most of the timea), or when the Englishg translations differs even
 uu> *slightly* from the literal Klingon.  He knew we (and people like us)
 uu> would be going over every word with a fine-toothed comb, trying to
 uu> tease out new words, new constructions, and new shades of meaning.

We've certainly let him know we will.  How many items did this book remove
from the wish list?

| Lieutenant Commander Qob vestai-qutvaj                     |          |
| Commanding Officer, Imperial Klingon Vessel Crystal Dagger |  NOR     |
| Quadrant Adjutant, Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet, KAG |  QUAD    |
| Member of the Klingon Language Institute Since 1993        |  ROCKS   |
|                                                                       |
| Moderator: Fidonet KAG Echo     Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701  |
|                                 [email protected]   |

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