tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 26 02:45:58 1996

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Re: i want OUT!!!!!!!

> How do i UNSUBSCRIBE to this Mail List....!!!?????? 
I hope you find the following useful

For information on this service and how to use it, send the following
request in the body of a mail message to [email protected]:


All requests should be addressed to [email protected].
Keep this message! Do not delete this message. This message will tell you
how to unsubscribe when the time comes you want to. Keep this message!
Messages sent to the public list asking to be unsubscribed will be IGNORED by
the listowner.


Hello, and welcome to the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list!

The administration of this list is handled mostly by automated software.
You may obtain help on using the listserver software by sending email to
"[email protected]" with the word 'help' in the body. Any and all 
administrative requests (That is, requests that are supposed to _do_ 
something, instead of being forwarded on to the mailing list) should be
sent to [email protected], with an empty subject and a body containing the
have a subject that can't be confused with a request (i.e. don't put
"unsubscribe" in the subject of your message).

If you have any problems with communicating with the listserver, your
maintainer's email address is [email protected]. You are welcome and
encouraged to contact him with any questions or problems.

Some requests that might come in handy:

	subscribe tlhIngan-Hol YourNameHere 	[subscribe to list]
	unsubscribe tlhIngan-Hol		[unsubscribe from list]
	help					[get help]
	set tlhIngan-Hol mail digest		[digest mode -- See below]
	set tlhIngan-Hol mail postpone		[Turn off mail w/o unsub]
	set tlhIngan-Hol mail ack		[Turn it back on]
It is strongly suggested that casual subscribers set their mail mode to 
DIGEST - This will send tlhIngan-Hol mail in batches (digests) instead of
one message at a time. Setting yourself DIGEST will allow you to still get
the full traffic of the list, but in an easier-to-read format.


This message explains the structure of the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list,
how you can post messages to the list, and guidelines for posting
messages. Please read this entire message carefully before you post
anything to the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list.

* What is the Klingon language?

The Klingon language is the language of the Klingon Empire, of course.
The language that we recognize in this mailing list is laid out in
Mark Okrand's book _The Klingon Dictionary_ (Pocket Books, ISBN
0-671-74559-X, Approx. US$10). If you don't have a copy of this book,
we recommend strongly that you obtain one before posting to the
mailing list. This will help keep the list from being clogged with
simple vocabulary questions, and will allow you to follow the action
much more easily. If you can't find the book in book stores near you,
you can order a copy directly from Pocket Books by calling their mail
order number at (201) 767-5937.

This language was developed by Mark Okrand for the filming of ST:III
TSFS and has been used ever since whenever Klingon dialogue is called
for in the ST movies and in ST:TNG.

* About the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list

The purpose of the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list is to provide a forum for
people to exercise their Klingon language skills. No additional
purpose is intended or implied. The topics discussed on the list are
essentially unbounded. In fact, the wider the range of discussions,
the better it will be for everyone trying to expand their skills.

The mailing list is not moderated. However, it will have one or more
"official grammarians" (pabpo'pu'), usually selected from those
speakers who have shown exceptional skill in the use of the Klingon
language. If you are not one of the official grammarians, please do
not post messages of the form: "Your grammar for this sentence was
wrong. It should have been...". Of course, questions and discussions
about grammar or the best usage for a given phrase are welcome from
anyone. Just leave correcting other people's missives to the
grammarians. Adherence to this policy will preclude endless chains of
replies of the form "you should have said..." and will probably remove
grammar flames as well. The grammarians will correct bad grammar
publicly, not to cause anyone shame, but to make sure that everyone
benefits from the example. At the grammarians' discretion, some
corrections may be handled privately when they think that most readers
already know the correct form (and therefore wouldn't want to bothered
with a correction message). If you are interested in being a
grammarian, send your name and email address to
<[email protected]> for consideration. I don't want to have too many 
grammarians (pabpo'mey), so please understand if I tell you that we already 
have enough.

* A word about manners

Sadly, many people today don't understand the value of civil behaviour
and its ability to create a pleasant social experience. I don't expect
rudeness to be a problem on the tlhIngan-Hol list, but I won't allow
it to become one, either.

This is a Klingon mailing list: disagreements, conflict, and spirited
exchanges are expected and encouraged. However, rude behaviour towards
fellow readers or repeated comments in poor taste will not be
tolerated, nor will repeated failure to abide by the guidelines of the
list. Repeat offenders will be removed. The list administrator will be
the sole judge of acceptable vs.  unacceptable behaviour. The purpose
of these rules is not to limit discussions to "politically correct"
topics (emphatically not!), only to weed out the most offensive
messages and keep a pleasant, if spirited, atmosphere.

* What should postings look like?

Most postings on this list should be fairly short. In particular,
messages in excess of two or three dozen lines should have an obvious
and compelling reason for their length. When you quote someone else in
a reply, make sure that you've attributed the quote properly and that
you've trimmed the quote down to the relevant details. If your reply
contains more lines of quotations than of new text, you should
seriously consider whether you can make do with fewer lines of

There are basically two kinds of postings that will appear on this

        - Messages about anything, written in Klingon
        - Messages about Klingon, written in English

Topics in the first kind of message are essentially unbounded, as
explained above. Talk about the weather, sports, history, medicine,
whatever, as long as you do it in Klingon. The second kind of message
should be used when you want to start a "meta-discussion" like: "How
do I convey the notion that I was doing something continuously for a
while, but now I'm done?" It's best that these discussions are done in
English so that everyone can follow them easily.

Be kind to other readers and indicate which type of message you've
written by writing the subject line either in Klingon for the first
type or English for the second.

* Other Tidbits

Here are a few other guidelines that will make life easier for

        1. When writing in Klingon, don't transliterate English
        proper nouns into Klingon phonemes. As attractive as it
        may sound, it will make it hard for other readers (especially
        beginners) to follow your text. If you have to use an English
        word, just drop it in. The spelling rules are different enough
        that it will be more than evident what language it came from.

        2. In general, don't use Clipped Klingon; Use only "High"
        Klingon in your postings.

        3. For your first message, introduce yourself to the list
        (in Klingon if you can). Include information about any
        "handles" you might be using so that people will know
        how to address you.

        4. Have Fun.

* Sending messages to the list

Send your messages to the list at this address:
<[email protected]>. When you send messages to the list, be sure to check 
your To: and Cc: lines carefully. Some readers may not want to see their 
messages redistributed to other mailing lists or other media, so please do 
not forward messages from this mailing list to anyone else unless you have 
permission from the author.

If you have a question, comment, or request concerning the mailing
list itself, send it to <[email protected]>. If you have problems or
questions with the listserver software itself, send mail to KLI.ORG's 
maintainer, <[email protected]>.

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