tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 19:04:09 1996

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Re: qaSovlu' jIneH

macheq writes:
>Baut that is also the case with many words on the CK and PK cassettes:
>especially "tera'ngan" which is pronounced completely without "e"
>as if "tra'ngan". So I have accepted that the short vowels may almost
>disappear in pronounciation when they are followed by a syllable with
>an *'* in the end.

I don't hear a "tr" sound in Okrand's pronunciation of {tera'ngan} in CK.
The {e} does get very unstressed, but the {t} and {r} are quite distinct.
But what does the {'} at the end of the next syllable have to do with a
vowel's nearly disappearing?  {'} isn't any more special than {p} or {t}.
I'm more likely to accept that the dilution of the vowel sound is due to
its being at the end of a syllable with no closing consonant.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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