tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 08:04:30 1996

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According to Laurel Beckley:
> I'm back from lurking due to a bad cold.  I'm still working on borrowing 
> a book.  My latest idea is:
> paqvetlh Daghajbogh vIngIp.   I borrow the book which you have.

Just to be a little more explicit about the problem ghunchu'wI'
had with your wording, your Klingon sentence means, "I borrow
THAT book which you have," while the English says, "I borrow
THE book which you have," or "I borrow A book which you have."
If you want {-vetlh} in Klingon, then you want "that" in
English. It is not necessarily that your use of {-vetlh} is
wrong so much as it is that your English and Klingon sentences
do not match each other. While this may be a small difference
in meaning, the difference is signficant enough to point it out
as a mistake.

> Laurel
> [email protected]


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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