tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 15 20:10:03 1996

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Re: Mature Adults

[email protected] wrote:

> Personally, I would like to see tlhIngan Hol continue to develop.  If each of
> us KLI persons were to choose one-ten brand new words rather than wait for MO
> to answer the wish list, however, we would no longer be studying the Okrand
> language, but would be creating our own.  We have all agreed--at least
> tacitly--not do this.

I agree to some degree. Remember, Zamenhof after having created Esperanto
has publicly renounced all his rights to the language and has ceded
it to the users (he was one of them) and the Akademio de Esperanto
took over the role of "final authority" in the language.
One day there will be no more MO (reH yINjaj! 'ej reH najtaHvIS qeylIS
ghomjaj!) and who'll become then the authority?
Don't tell me the Paramount who have nothing common with the language.
Neither S&S.

Of course the taking over of Esperanto from Zamenhof by the Akademio de E.
eventually created schisms (Ido etc.) - and maybe that's the aspect that
is better to be avoided FOR THE MOMENT.

(athough the poet says:
     "Remember, brethren, every schism is evil
      as fear will grab you on a lonely night.
      But quake befor a great unity,
      as there is the weakness in it, evil and shameful.
      Rather take the haeresy on your conscience
      rather accept the eternal damnation"

(Jerzy Sito, from: "Stephan, the Bishop of Antiochy, worships the remains of
Arius during the Oecumenical Synod in Philippopolis, Anno Domini 343",
my poor translation from Polish).

> peHruS


lasciate ogni speranza voi qu'entrate

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