tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 14 11:43:09 1996

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Re: TKW: That wacky Okrand

At 10:02 PM 4/13/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Speaking of new words in The Klingon Way, I see that Okrand is up to his 
>old tricks.  One of the proverbs, {yIvoq 'ach yI'ol} 'Trust but verify' 
> is attributed to an ancient political movement {ghIlaSnoS}.  Trying to 
>figure out which political movement he meant, I recalled another new term 
>{ghIlab ghew}, rendered in English as 'glob fly'.  If {ghIl} -> 'gl', 
>then that ancient political movement is 'glasnost'.  Now, can any of you 
>scholars of recent Soviet history tell me what connection "Trust but 
>verify" had with Gorbychev and/ or glasnost'?

Trust but, verify is an old Russian [and Irish] proverb.  President Regan
often quoted it when refering to the Start II Treaty.  He did so so often
that Gorbechev made a joke of it, "You say that every time we meet the
press..."  It was the foundation for the START II Treaty and the easing of
the superpower conflict.  Each side was given the right to inspect a certain
number of sites and to fly over the other's territory in special spy planes
to verify complience with the treaty.  It is indeed a joke, and a rather
good one.

>Another term Okrand introduces is {qIvon}, described only as a Klingon 
>body part.  My guess is that this is also a joke.  Anyone recognize any 
>terms in any other languages (probably for private parts) similar to {qIvon}?
>-- ter'eS
No idea on the second one...

David Bibb [email protected]

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