tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 14 08:52:26 1996

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RE: TKW: That wacky Okrand

From:	MX%"[email protected]" 14-APR-1996 01:08:39.33
To:	MX%"[email protected]"
Subj:	TKW: That wacky Okrand

ter'eS (Terry Donnelly <[email protected]>) says...

> Another term Okrand introduces is {qIvon}, described only as a Klingon 
> body part.  My guess is that this is also a joke.  Anyone recognize any 
> terms in any other languages (probably for private parts) similar to {qIvon}?

Okrand did not 'introduce' this term, he merely established proper tlhIngan Hol

This was actually introduced in the episode 'Blood Oath.'  In the scene, Dax
introduces herself to Kor and Kor does not believe that she was Curzon Dax,
that he had known many years before.  Dax mentions things that only Curzon
would have known about Kor, saying that his left qIvon aches when his ship
reaches warp eight.  Kor responds with a look of realization and remembered
discomfort, placing his hand on his abdomen, around where his stomach would be
(but maybe as low as the large intestine).

So, a Klingon has two qIvonDu' located in the abdomen that is somehow sensitive
to warp fields, much the same way joints can be sensitive to cold or humidity.

|          Lt.Cmdr. Kordite vestai-Tasighor            |
|       Executive Officer, IKV Dark Justice, KAG       |
|          choSuvchugh 'oy'lIj Daghur neH.             |

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