tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 13 21:59:24 1996

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TKW: That wacky Okrand

Speaking of new words in The Klingon Way, I see that Okrand is up to his 
old tricks.  One of the proverbs, {yIvoq 'ach yI'ol} 'Trust but verify' 
 is attributed to an ancient political movement {ghIlaSnoS}.  Trying to 
figure out which political movement he meant, I recalled another new term 
{ghIlab ghew}, rendered in English as 'glob fly'.  If {ghIl} -> 'gl', 
then that ancient political movement is 'glasnost'.  Now, can any of you 
scholars of recent Soviet history tell me what connection "Trust but 
verify" had with Gorbychev and/ or glasnost'?

Another term Okrand introduces is {qIvon}, described only as a Klingon 
body part.  My guess is that this is also a joke.  Anyone recognize any 
terms in any other languages (probably for private parts) similar to {qIvon}?

-- ter'eS

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