tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 11 13:14:40 1996

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Re: jI'It

>jeHwI' writes:
>>>Do you mean that as of yesterday the book had arrived, or that the
>>>book actually arrived yesterday?
>>At the time of that writing, the book had actually arrived yesterday.
>wejpuH.  This isn't *either* of the meanings I expected, and it doesn't
>help to pin down what really happened.  "Had arrived" says the arrival
>was already finished at the time in question, and the time in question
>is "yesterday" in your sentence.  I must conclude that either the book
>arrived sometime before yesterday, or you don't completely understand
>"perfective" in either Klingon *or* English.
>It appears that you translated "the book had arrived yesterday" correctly.
>However, even in English this is hard to understand.  My question remains:
>Did you mean that the book arrived *while* yesterday occurred, or did you
>mean that it had *already* arrived when yesterday occurred?

When I got home from work that night, the book was in the mailbox.  The 
next day I wrote the message.  Sorry for the confusion.  I suppose then, that 
it arrived *while* yesterday was occurring.

>You got the "unwilling" part okay, but the verb {'oy'} means "ache, hurt,
>be sore"; it doesn't work if you are talking about hurting someone else.  I
>trying to point out that you need to use {-moH} to get that meaning.
>-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

I got it now.  I don't keep my dictionary handy at work, and pulled {'oy'} out
of memory (for hurt) without realizing its full meaning.  Thanks.


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